School Board Message

 Good Morning Salem Family,

In the midst more restrictions from our Governor, the School Board wanted me to share with our families how we are going to approach the upcoming months of school.

We will continue to monitor the situations in each class and quarantine, as we have been, following the protocols put in place at the beginning of the year. The only time we would ask the whole school to quarantine is if a majority of the classes were infected with COVID, and it seemed that our school was the cause of the spread. If this were to happen, we would ask the whole school to quarantine for 14 days to hopefully get rid of the virus in school. Everyone would then be able to come back after those 14 days. Again, this would only happen if many cases arose in our school and after a special Board meeting. There are no plans to move strictly to remote learning unless we are mandated by our Governor or Health Department.

Our families continue to do a great job of informing us when they or their children have been exposed or are feeling sick. Please continue to monitor your children and communicate with us throughout this school year. That is the best way we will be able to keep ourselves having in-person schooling.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Mr. Klatt (

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