Another update from our One Africa Mission Project


Friends of Africa, Friends of Christ

Read the most recent post from the WELS Friends of Africa blog

Nov 04, 2020 02:47 am |

L-R: Malawians Arnold and Joseph have made a double connection with the Lutheran Church through TELL

My wife and I are reading through the gospels in our devotions these days and marveling again at the miracles of our Savior.

I think I just experienced one this past Friday morning.

Let me back up, just a bit.  I am a missionary with the One Africa Team, currently helping out with the Multi-Language Productions program called TELL (  As they are reaching people with their Bible studies in West Africa via Facebook, the TELL organizers received a few questions that I was able to answer for them. West Africa is an area where I have lived and worked.  I’m happy to be involved with TELL, working mostly with Pastor Dan Laitinen who coordinates the online materials. I have entered a bit more deeply into the program and I conduct online teaching and send videos to interested parties.

Last Friday morning, one of the men who has been receiving TELL videos learned that I live just a few hours away from him.  Arnold is a leader (“pastor”) in a full gospel church here in Malawi.  With permission, I sent Arnold’s contact details to Joseph, our member working in the area, and sent Joseph’s details also to Arnold.   I was stunned when, within an hour, I received the message that the two were in the same room!  Joseph regularly passes by Arnold’s house on his way to the HIV Counselling Center where he works as an HIV counselor – they actually live quite close to one another.  Joseph has some theological training with WELS’ partner in Malawi, the Lutheran Church of Central Africa, and is a strong and faithful member.

I got updates as they chatted with one another.  These are some comments from “Pastor” Arnold:

 “He had answered all the questions I had to him during our discussion and now I have full knowledge of Lutheran church and also bible course. Thanks so much for connecting me with Joseph.”

On Sunday afternoon, Arnold wrote to me again:

“ I had wonderful service. I was preaching about what breaks our relationship with God, others and ourselves from the spiritual healing lesson.” (“Spiritual Healing” is the name of the self-study course that Arnold is currently studying from the TELL program).

And finally (on Monday):

“I want to know more about the Lutheran church and if possible I want to learn more courses from you as well as being part of the Lutheran church. I have been inspired with the lesson you have been giving me. It is explaining very well the way to salvation.”

Who knows where the Lord will take this? We praise Him for the opportunity to be a part of his work and look forward to many more of these connections being made amongst our sister synods here in Africa.  I expect the Holy Spirit will do similar things also to open doors in new territories.  We thank those who are involved by prayer, financial support and development of materials for the assistance to operate our programs and we continue to rejoice at the results the Holy Spirit is providing, to his glory. For now, I gotta run – Arnold (and many others) is waiting for his next video.

Missionary Dan Kroll lives in Malawi

Please pray for those working in fields that are ripe for harvest. Share their story, engage with future news and receive updates. Learn more about our mission fields in Africa and how the Holy Spirit is working faith in people’s hearts at

The post The Holy Spirit was Busy this Weekend appeared first on WELS Friends of Africa.

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