Stillwater School Board Meeting

 Hello Salem Family,

Many of you may be aware of Stillwater Public Schools emergency Board meeting to possibly switch their learning model to distance learning.

While Salem continues to track what is going on in the community, we will not be influenced by the decision made at the Board meeting. We are using our protocols and positive cases in our school to determine when classrooms need to quarantine themselves.

We will continue to monitor the community at large and let youknow if any changes to our learning model areneeded. As of now, we are very thankful for the time we have had in person with our students and pray it can continue for the foreseeable future. 

The only change this may have on our students would be in regards to bussing. More information will be given if bussing is changed.

I just want to say, thank you again to our parents for keeping us informed of exposure and other illnesses, so we can keep our students healthy.

We continue to rely on our all-powerful Lord and Savior and know that he is in control of all this.

God's blessings on your day.

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