November Salem School News

COVID School Year

Salem has had its first positive case of COVID among the students. After talking with our Public School nurse, the class did not have to quarantine as the student’s last day in school was far enough away from the day of initial symptoms. We deep cleaned all of the classrooms as a precaution. We are looking ahead to the winter months and are reminding parents that if your child is feeling sick, to please keep them home to make sure we aren’t spreading illness around Salem. We want to keep all sicknesses out of Salem as winter brings many different illnesses. Otherwise, we continue with the protocols that are in place with masks and cleaning regularly.

Veteran’s Day Plans

Last year was the first year that Salem held a Veteran’s Day service in honor of those men and women who served in our armed forces. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, we won’t be able to have a service like that. Instead, our teachers wanted to do something for the community to show our thanks. The students will be making cards for our veterans that the teachers will drop off at various VFWs in the area surrounding Stillwater. We want to thank them for their service and let them know we are thinking of them during this time.

Preschool Parent/Teacher Conferences

Preschool Parent/Teacher Conferences will be on November 2nd-6th. The teachers will have sign-ups on-line where you can choose a time to meet with the teachers. Please contact your child's teacher for more information. This is a great opportunity for the teachers to let you know how your child is doing with their academic, social, and spiritual skills in the classroom.

Sports Update

Intramural volleyball went great and is done for the year. We had been practicing in the gym and enjoyed being active during this time. Cross Country is also now over and we had a great season as well. The final meet was on October 14th. The three Disc Golf teams did very well. In the first competition, our B-team took 3rd and one of our A-teams took 5th. We hope they continue to learn best practices of throwing a disc and putting them into practice.

Basketball for the Fall season has been approved by the Board of Education and Council. Practices and the basketball schedule are still being formulated as schools are deciding whether or not to participate. Information will be sent out in late October/Early November once these items have been finalized.

No School Nov. 6 - Teacher Inservice

There will be no school on November 6th as the teachers will be having an in-service that day. We will be working through teacher assessments and the requirements for that from the WELS.

No School Nov. 25-27 - Thanksgiving Break

A reminder that there is no school from November 25-27 due to Thanksgiving break. Please be mindful as you are traveling over Thanksgiving break. We want you to be able to spend time with family and friends, but we also want to keep school a safe place for Salem students to come and learn.

Starting Point

Starting Point classes (catechism classes for non-Salem school students) have begun and meet every Wednesday at 5:30 PM. Classes have started meeting online and will hopefully meet in person later during the year. Please contact Pastor Jake with any questions or

Upcoming Events

November 1- 3rd and 4th grade sing for Church (Virtually)

November 2-6- Preschool Parent/Teacher Conferences

November 4- Report Card comes Home

November 6 -No School, Teacher Inservice

November 8- 1st Grade sings for Church (Virtually)

November 15- 5th and 6th Grade sings for Church (Virtually)

November 22- Kindergarten sings for Church (Virtually)

November 25-27- No School (Thanksgiving)

November 29- 2nd Grade sings for Church (Virtually)

Referral Program

The School Board approved a program that gives an incentive to recruiting new families for our school. If a family who has children enrolled refers a new family to Salem, they will receive a $200 tuition credit at Christmas per family they have referred. A church family who refers a new family will receive a $200 script gift card also at Christmas per family if they so choose. There is no limit to the amount of families you can refer. If you have any more questions about the program, speak to a School Board member or Mr. Klatt.

No More Clipping Boxtops

Boxtops has come up with a more technological way to earn money for Salem Lutheran School. Instead of clipping the box tops and sending them in, you can now scan your receipt through the app on your phone and the points will be awarded to your school. The website to sign up on is or you can download the Box Tops for Education app on your phone.

Thanks to all who have been collecting these labels for us over the years! Boxtops will still honor any non-expired labels you may still see on their products. However, these will be phased out over time as the new products will not have the old label and scanning the receipt will eventually be the only way to collect points for our school. Bring in any non-expired labels you find. Our school can still get credit for these!

We Are Also Collecting Aluminum Cans Aluminum cans benefit our athletic program and can be bagged up and placed in the wooden bin that is next to the garage on our property. Thanks for helping our school!


Have you checked out the website? You can now order your own SCRIP any time, anywhere you need it. You can also now order with your credit card! All you have to do is login and sign up! If you have students at Salem, the rebates earned can be applied to your child’s tuition. There will be a flat 5% fee on all orders. This will cover the shipping and administrative fees involved in the orders. You can also apply your profits to your child's lunch account as well as tuition. We have also added an option to direct your profits to church. Contact the church office for more information.


One way we usually forget about how we can help our school and church is to pray for them throughout the year. Your prayers are always a blessing and it is great to know that you are asking God for his blessings in our school year.

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