Welcome to our New Teacher

Hello Salem Family,


            Due to the recent increase in enrollment in our school, we received an assignment from MLC for our 2nd grade classroom. Her name is Heidi Kostrzewa. She is from Wauwatosa, WI and has 8 siblings. She attended Wisconsin Lutheran High School and went on to MLC as she was interested in joining the Friends of China program. Due to COVID Heidi was unable to continue with Friends of China and so was available for assignment to Salem.

            We are excited to welcome Heidi as an addition to our staff and know that she will bless us with her many talents. We would like the families of Salem Lutheran to help welcome her by donating gift cards that she could use as she moves into the Stillwater area. Gift cards can be for grocery stores, restaurants, gas stations, or any other places you feel would be beneficial. Her installation will take place at Salem on August 23rd during the 9:30 am service. Please drop off gift cards at the school or church office or mail them in. We would like to give her the gifts on her Installation Sunday. 

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