Busing for the 2020-2021 School Year

Dear Salem Families,

Busing will not begin for our students until Stillwater Public Schools begin their school year on September 8. Please plan to bring your students the week of  8/31 since there will not be busing available to us that week. 


District 834 busing will only be available to us Mondays through Thursdays this coming school year. The only Friday we will have busing available is on September 11. The rest of the school year there will be no busing on Friday and our families will have to drop off and pick up their students themselves.

Please disregard the bus days listed on the 20-21 academic calendar that you have received. We will need to update this as we have more information from the 834 School District. Thank you!

If you have not already signed up for busing for your child, please do so here:

Busing Request Form

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