Reminders for First Day/Week of School

 Hello Salem Family,

A few reminders for the first day/week of school.

When dropping off and picking up your children, the entrance to our parking lot is from Panama Ave. Please do not use this entrance as an exit, even from the small parking lot located directly after entering. Please continue to follow the curve to leave and exit onto 62nd St. This will keep everyone safe.

There will be no bussing the first week of school. Bussing will begin on September 8th as long as the District Schools are staying with the hybrid model.

Before and After care students can be dropped off and picked up by the cafeteria doors on the south side of the building. The main doors will be locked until 8:30 every morning and will also lock at 4pm in the afternoon.

For all K-8 students, please send them with a water bottle to school. The water fountains will be closed as to mitigate the spread of the virus. Please also have your children bring their water bottles home to sanitize them daily.

Please also have a few face coverings to wear throughout the week. The CDC recommends washing them after every day they are used.

If you would like to take a picture on the first day of school, please attempt to do this at home or outside of the school building the first day. If you would like a picture in your student's classroom, please contact your child's teacher and set up a time to do that after school. 

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