February School News

Referral Program The School Board approved a program that gives an incentive for recruiting new families for our school. If a family who has children enrolled refers a new family to Salem, they will receive a $200 tuition credit at Christmas per family they have referred. A church family who refers a new family will receive a $200 script gift card also at Christmas per family if they so choose. There is no limit to the number of families you can refer. If you have any more questions about the program, speak to a School Board member or Mr. Klatt. Registration for Next School Year Returning school families’ enrollment will open for the 2020-2021 school year on January 6th. Look for a re-enrollment email from TADS that first week back from break to make your re-enrollment process easier. Registration fees for next year went up for PreK-8. The preschool’s registration fee is now $100 before March 1st and $175 after. K-8 registration fee is $175 before March 1st and $275 after. Ne...