Late Assignments in Middle School

As you may remember from our Middle School-Meet the Teacher Management Plan:

  • All homework is expected to be properly completed on the due date and in the room at the beginning of class time.
  • If the assignment is not completed on time, the student must fill out a digital late homework form. This form will be automatically emailed to parents/caregivers. 
  • Work not completed on time will be counted and used to determine the student’s Work Habits grade. The Work Habits grade will affect eligibility for extracurricular activities, but will not affect the student's overall GPA. The Work Habits grade will be listed on the student’s report card and final transcripts. 
  • Zero late work slips for the entire quarter will be an A+. Every late assignment will drop this grade one level. 1=A, 2=A-, 3=B+  etc.
  • If work is consistently late, the parents will be contacted and the student may be asked to stay after school. Additional parent, teacher, and student meetings may be needed.
For the most part, our middle school students are doing pretty well in getting their assignments turned in on time for the first couple of weeks. Beginning next week, we teachers will begin holding students accountable for late assignments and will follow the steps outlined above. If parents/caregivers start seeing emails regarding late assignments, this would be the reason.

Feel free to check student grades anytime on TADS Educate. If you have any log in issues, please contact Mr. Scharf.

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