Grandparents' Day News

Dear Salem Parent,
    Information is being sent home with the youngest in the family for our Grandparents' Day which is being held on September 27th. The two invitations that are included are for you to mail or give to a grandparent or an adult of your choosing who your child would like to accompany them for the day. There are more invitations available in the school office or you can print more from the link below. Talk with your child’s teacher if your child would like a senior from our congregation to accompany them. That could be arranged as well!

   Please fill out the green registration form and return to the school office by September 20! The registration form is also included below if you need an extra. Please return this form even if your child does not have a guest for the day. Complete and send a payment for any lunches that your guest will be having and include their full name on the registration for easier identification. Also, note if your child will be leaving before lunch that day. We will need to know who will be picking your child up if it is not you or the grandparent attending. School is dismissed at 12:00 pm that day so please make special arrangements for pickup since there will not be busing available at noon. Morning bus will run as normal.

   One last request! This day requires a lot of parent volunteers to make the day go smoothly.
If you are able to help that day or for our preparations before, please stop by the school office and sign up for a volunteer spot or sign up online below. We appreciate any and all help!

We are looking forward to another great Grandparents’ Day!

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