October School News


Fire Prevention Day

On October 2nd, our K-2 students will have the opportunity to talk with Fire Fighters about how to be safe if there is a fire. They will talk about what to do when the smoke alarm goes off and how to be safe exiting a building. We look forward to all that the students will learn to keep them safe in case of a fire.

Chess Club Begins

The first meeting of the chess club will take place on October 4th. We will have another meeting on the 11th to make up for missing a meeting in September. Mr. Klatt and George Light will be teaching the students how the pieces move and basic strategy for chess. Chess club will meet on the 2nd Friday of each month after October.

Vision Screening

Salem will be having the students in 1st, 3rd, and 5th grade get their eyes tested on October 3 to see if they need vision correction. Parents who would like their child(ren) to take the screening are also welcome to have their children tested. If your child is not in one of these three grades let the school office or your child’s teacher know if you would like them included in this testing on that day.

K-8 Parent-Teacher Conferences

The K-8 families will be asked to set up a time to meet with the teachers about how the year is going this far. We moved up these conferences, so we can make changes before the end of the first quarter. These conferences are going to be held on October 8th, 10th, and 14th. Preschool families will be contacted for their conferences near the end of October.

MAP Testing

At the beginning of October, the students will be MAP testing. Please make sure your students are getting plenty of rest and eating a good breakfast to help them perform their best on these tests. Students are tested in Reading, Math, and Language skills.

Caps for Kids

We are having a Caps for Kids day at Salem this year on October 16th. Students can pay to wear a hat to school for the day. More information about the event will come out prior to October 16th.

No School - WELS Teaching Conference

There will be no school on October 17th or 18th. The teachers will be in Mankato for the annual WELS Teachers’ Conference.

No Bus Days

The Stillwater Public Schools have no school on October 21-22, so the busses will not be running that day. Please find alternate transportation for these two days.

Picture Retakes

Families who would like their children’s picture retaken will have the opportunity on October 24th. Preschoolers who are not in session that day can come in to get their pictures retaken or taken for the first time as well. Please have them arrive between 9:15 am-10:15 am.

Public Speaking Festival

On Saturday, October 26th, Salem will be hosting our annual Public Speaking Festival at St. Croix Lutheran Academy. The students have the opportunity to share selected works for a judge and be scored. The participants are then awarded a medal or trophy for their scores. It is an awesome opportunity for our students to use the gifts their Lord and Savior has given them.

Preschool Parent-Teacher Conferences

Preschool parents will have the opportunity to come and talk with their child(ren’s) teacher about how they are progressing this school year. These conferences will be held October 28th-November 1st.

Salem Outreach Opportunity 

Salem will be hosting the children's games at the Stillwater Harvest Fest October 12 from 10am-6pm. We would like to have 4-5 people at each time slot to control the games and have the opportunity to share about Salem's ministry. We will also need 3 more people to sign up to set up at 8:30 am  They provide all the games and candy, all we have to do is keep the games under the supervision and have a face in the community.  We will have 2-hour time slots so you will have plenty of time to explore the event yourself as well, plus Salem gets a stipend for volunteering to host this event.  Sign up in the church narthex on the weekend and school office during the week.  This would also be a great volunteer opportunity for Salem teens. Thanks in advance!

Reformation Learning is Fun

The entire school will have fun learning about Martin Luther while doing various Reformation activities on October 31. This was a fun learning event last year and we look forward to another fun day with the students interacting with students in all grades.

Upcoming Events

September 30 - Begin MAP testing
October 2 - Fire Prevention Day, K-2
October 3 - Vision Screening, Gr. 1, 3, 5
October 4 - Chess Club, 7:45am
October 8 - Parent-Teacher Conferences, 4-7pm
October 10 - Parent-Teacher Conferences, 4-7pm
October 11 - Chess Club, 7:45am
October 12 - Stillwater Harvest Fest - Salem is helping with games
October 14 - Parent-Teacher Conferences, 4-7pm
October 16 - Caps for Kids Day
October 17 and 18 - NO SCHOOL- WELS Teachers’ Conference
October 21 and 22 - No Bus Day
October 24 - Picture Retake Day
October 26 - Public Speaking Festival
October 27 - Jubilate Sings
October 31 - Reformation Activities
October 28 - Nov. 1 - Preschool Parent-Teacher Conferences
November 1 - No School, Teacher Inservice

Grade 3 & 4 Pop Tab Collection and Other Ways to Help

Mrs. Hasselquist and her class are supporting The Ronald McDonald House by participating in the Pop Tab program. Her classroom has been part of this program for around 15 years and they have collected over 200 lbs of pop tabs. The cash received from these goes directly to support the Ronald McDonald House. There is a collection bin in the classroom and at the church and school entrances. What a great way to help others!

We Are Also Collecting Box-tops for Education and aluminum cans. Please remember to check the date on the Boxtops for Education as they do expire. Watch for more information on the new digital Box Top program coming soon! Labels can be placed in the bin at the school door entrance. Aluminum cans benefit our athletic program and can be bagged up and placed in the wooden bin that is next to the garage on our property.


Have you checked out the ShopWithSCRIP.com website?  You can now order your own SCRIP any time, anywhere you need it.  You can also now order with your credit card!  All you have to do is login and sign up! If you have students at Salem, the rebates earned can be applied to your child’s tuition - some families have earned over $400 just by using gift cards to pay for your purchases. There will be a flat 5% fee on all orders.  This will cover the shipping and administrative fees involved in the orders.  For example, if you earn $5.00 from your order, Salem will keep $.25 to cover any costs. You can also apply your profits to your child's lunch account as well as tuition.  We have also added an option to direct your profits to the church. Contact the church office for more information.


One way we usually forget about how we can help our school and church is to pray for them throughout the year. Your prayers are always a blessing and it is great to know that you are asking God for his blessings on our school year.

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