May School News

School News

Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

The School Board is collecting money for the Endowment Fund. We received a grant to give us $20,000 in matching funds from Antioch. We currently are at $13,000. This fund’s purpose is to create an account that the school can use to give families who want to send their children to Salem but cannot afford it. We will only be able to use the interest of this account to give to families. We are hoping to raise $30,000 more for either the endowment fund or the normal Tuition Assistance account. Mr. Klatt will give another presentation in April about the Endowment Fund and its purpose. If you would like your questions answered sooner, feel free to talk to any of the School Board members or Mr. Klatt.


We are blessed to have our six 8th graders confirmed on May 5th at the 10:30am service. If you are able, please attend and encourage them as they profess their faith in front of the congregation and have their first communion. 

Band Recital

Our band students’ recital is on May 2nd. We have 20 students learning how to play various instruments. It has been wonderful to see them all progress throughout the year. Please come hear them at their final concert for the year. They are blessed to have Mrs. Julie Balk as their director.  

Piano Heroes Recital

Our piano students’ recital is on May 16th. We have many students taking piano this year, some have for a while and some new. Please come and attend the recital to hear the next generation of piano players. They are blessed to have Mrs. Sharon Ronning as their teacher.


8th-grade Graduation will be on June 2nd. We thank our 8th graders for gracing our hallways at Salem and wish them God’s blessings as they continue on in their academic career. 

Spring Plays

The School Board approved changing the format for the Spring Play for this school year. Preschool will be on its normal night on May 9th. K-8 will be doing skits at Salem on May 22nd. Both of these events will be held in the gym at Salem (not at the Phipps). This will just be for this year since there were so many snow days. Next year the play schedules and location will hopefully go back to normal. Thank you to everyone who gave your opinions in the survey. The School Board greatly appreciated getting your feedback.

Parent Introduction to Bible Class

This class is intended for parents of students who are interested in learning more about what their children are learning at Salem. Pastor Brohn will lead parents through what the Bible teaches us about ourselves and our God. If you are interested and missed the class on January 28th, feel free to talk with any of the teachers or Pastor Brohn about your interest in learning about what the Bible teaches.

Second Semester Chapel Offering

The children bring money for an offering every Wednesday in our school chapel service. During the second semester, our mission project supports “Grace--Hmong outreach in Vietnam.” We will join with many other schools to gather our offerings. The goal of this special offering is to receive gifts totaling $2 million by June 30, 2019, to fund the land purchase, building construction, and the first two years of operational costs for a pastor training facility in Hanoi, Vietnam.

School Registrations for 2019

The Board of Education has set the registration fees for the 2019-2020 school year at $150 for preschool and $250 for grades K-8. Please register now so we have the chance to plan and staff for the new year.

Messy Mondays

Our last Messy Monday was held on April 8th from 6pm to 7pm at Salem. Our next Messy Monday is on May 13. All families with children ages 2-5 are welcome to attend. Families will be asked to give a $5 per child donation and a different activity or craft will be planned for each event. If you know of someone who is looking for a preschool or kindergarten for next year, please invite them. This is a wonderful opportunity to have them see our school and meet our awesome teachers. There are postcards for you to hand out in the church lobby or school office if you would rather invite people that way. 

Order Your Yearbook Now

Preorders for yearbooks will be available through May 3 for $13 each. Order forms were sent home with your child in April but more are available in the school office. Cash, check (made out to Salem Lutheran School) or payment through your TADS account is available. Please fill out one envelope per family and include all the children and their grades that you are purchasing one for. If paying by check, one check for all ordered is fine. After May 3, yearbooks will be sold for $15 each in the school office when they arrive.

Summer Skills Books

We are again offering to order Summer Skills books to help reinforce your child's learning over the summer. For more information, you can visit their website at Sample books are available on their website if you would like to see the topics covered in each book. You can order for yourself online or sign-up in the school office by May 13 to be included in a group order. The cost is $19 per book and must be paid by cash or check to Salem Lutheran School.

Twins Game

Faith Lutheran in Victoria, MN has invited Salem to join them for a Twins game! Come out to Target Field on Friday, June 14, 2019. The game is at 7:10 p.m. vs. the Kansas City Royals. The tickets are located in Diamond View, Section 321 in left field right up from third base. Tickets are $22.00 each. Please sign-up in the school office and make payments to Salem Lutheran School by Friday, May 17, 2019. The Twins are having a great year and it will be great fellowship with friends and family and a fun time! Go, Twins!!

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