Important Message from SPTO

Dear Salem Families,

The next SPTO (Salem Parent Teacher Organization) meeting will be Thursday, April 25th. We will be holding elections for officers for the 2019-2020 school year. All officers will be up for re-election with the exception of our treasurer who will not be eligible to return next year. Please plan to come and vote!

If you are interested in running for a position, details of duties for each officer are listed below. For more information contact a current officer. We would love to see more people get involved so please consider serving in one of these positions, especially treasurer as this is an open position.

Thank you to all those who have served this past year and helped navigate restarting the group. This past year, amongst many other things, the SPTO event committee played a big role in helping to organize and host Grandparent’s Day, Adult-Night Out, and the Easter Egg Hunt. If you valued the inclusion of these events then please become an active member. Let’s work together to keep the momentum going!

Article IV - Officers and Elections

Section 1.  Officers. The officers shall be a president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer.

A.President.  The president shall

  • Preside over meetings of the organization and executive board
  • Be the primary contact for organization to the principal
  • Represent the organization at meetings other than SPTO meetings
  • Serve as ex officio member of all committees except the nominating committee
  • Coordinate the work of officers and committees

B. Vice President.  The Vice President shall

  • Assist the president
  • Carry out the duties of president in his or her absence or inability to serve

C. Secretary. The Secretary shall

  • Keep all records of the organization
  • Take and record minutes
  • Prepare the agenda
  • Handle correspondence
  • Send notices of meetings
  • Keep copies of minutes, bylaws, rules, membership lists, and necessary supplies

D. Treasurer.  The Treasurer shall

  • Receive all funds of the organization
  • Keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures
  • Pay out funds as approved by executive board
  • Present a financial statement at meetings
  • Make a full report at the end of the year

Current Officers

President: Bonnie Richter,
Vice President: Sarah Wegwerth,
Secretary: Mackenzie Hanson,
Treasurer: Rachel Collins,

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