December School News

School Christmas Service

The students are preparing for their Christmas service this year entitled “Saints and Angel Hosts Rejoice”. We focus on how the good news was shared with many different people. We also revisit how it was foretold that Jesus would come to save us from our sins. We look forward to seeing you all on December 19th at 6pm in the gym for our service. 

Preschool Christmas Service

The preschoolers will also be having their Christmas service on December 13th at 6pm in the church. The theme of their service will be “Acrostic Christmas”. The students will be singing various songs about the love of their Savior and how he was born on Christmas Day. Feel free to come and hear as the preschoolers tell us all about our Savior’s birth.

Parent Teachers Conference

Conferences with parents went well. Many of the parents came and heard about how their children were doing and how we can partner to keep their children learning to their fullest potential. Conferences were held the week of November 5th.

Walk for Diabetes

The students had fun doing their activity to raise awareness for diabetes. We were blessed to have Hayden’s mom, Thea, come in and speak to us about the disease and how it has affected their family. The students also raised money to help find a cure for diabetes. The students raised $270 for the American Diabetes Association. Thank you to everyone who helped raise money! 

Jump Up Day/Crusader for a Day

The 8th graders have an opportunity to go to St. Croix Lutheran Academy to be a high-schooler for a day on December 7. Mr. Klatt will be taking them out to the school for the experience of high school classes and atmosphere. The other students at Salem will get to “jump-up” to the class they will be in next year. The students will spend the morning in their new classroom and get to meet the teacher and do some activities. The normal school day will resume in the afternoon. 

Sports Update

Basketball is off and running. The Girl’s B-team has had one game against King of Grace which they played well but came up short in the end. Their record is 0-1. The Boy’s A-team has been off to a great start. They played both King of Grace and Belle Plaine and were victorious in both games. They are 2-0 on the season. Look at upcoming events for their next games.

Advent and Christmas Services

Advent Services will be held Dec. 5 @ 4 & 7pm, Dec. 12 @ 4 & 7pm and Dec. 23 @ 10:00am

Dec. 5 - Jubilate and our Band Students will sing/play their instruments at the 4:00pm service
              Salem's Youth Group will serve soup, salad, bread and dessert 5 - 6:30pm
Dec. 12 - Grades 5-8 will sing for the 4:00pm service
                Salem's Caring Committee will serve sloppy joes, coleslaw and dessert 5 - 6:30pm
Dec. 13 - Preschool Christmas Service @ 6:00pm in the church sanctuary
Dec. 19 - K-8 Christmas Service @ 6:00 pm in the school gym
Dec. 24 - Christmas Eve Services: 5:00pm and 11:00 pm
Dec. 25 - Christmas Day Service: 9:40am carol sing, 10:00am worship service
Dec. 31 - New Year's Eve Worship Service @ 5:00pm

Upcoming Events

Basketball Practices: Girls - Mon/Wed 3:45 - 5:15 pm, Boys - Tues/Thurs 3:45 - 6 pm

SCRIP Orders December 3, 10, 17

Monday, December 3 - Home Boy’s A-Team Game vs. Eau Claire @ 6:30pm
Tuesday, December 4 - Basketball Games vs. Christ North St. Paul at Salem @ 6:30 & 7:30pm
Wednesday, December 5 - Jubilate and Band students perform Advent Service @ 4:00 pm
Friday, December 7 - Jump Up Day/Crusader for a Day
                                     Away Basketball Games vs. Salem, Greenfield @ 6:30 & 7:30pm
Tuesday, December 11 - School Board Meeting @ 7:00pm
Wednesday, December 12 - Grades 5-8 Sing at Advent Service @ 4:00pm
Thursday, December 13 - Preschool Christmas Service @ 6:00pm in the church sanctuary
Friday, December 14 - Away Basketball Games vs. Pilgrim, Minneapolis @ 6:30 & 7:30pm
Wednesday, December 19 - K-8 Christmas Service @ 6:00pm in the school gym
Friday, December 20 - Away Basketball Games vs. Crown of Life, West St. Paul
Monday, December 24 - Wednesday, January 2nd - Christmas Break, No School
Thursday, January 3 - School Resumes

Ways to Help Our School

We are still collecting Boxtops for Education and aluminum cans. Please remember to check the date on the Boxtops for Education as they do expire. These can be placed in the bin at the school door entrance. Aluminum cans can be bagged up and placed in the wooden bin that is next to the garage on our property.  We are no longer collecting inkjet cartridges!

SCRIP Orders

We are enhancing our current SCRIP program to allow you to order your SCRIP on your own if you choose.  We will still do regular orders on the 2nd & 4th Monday mornings, but, now you have the option to place your own order online.  The other change will be a flat 5% fee for shipping on all orders.  This will cover the shipping and administrative fees involved in the orders.  For example, if you earn $5.00 from your order, Salem will keep $.25 to cover any costs. We are also offering to apply your profits to your child's lunch account as well as tuition.  We are also adding an option to direct your profits to church. Contact any SPTO member or the church office for more information.  


One way we usually forget about how we can help our school and church is to pray for them throughout the year. Your prayers are always a blessing and it is great to know that you are asking God for his blessings on our school year.

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