December Message from the Principal
Saints and Angel Hosts Rejoice
Luke 2:10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.
What makes for a good Christmas? Is it getting the gifts you asked for? Maybe even getting a gift that you have been waiting for? Or maybe you love having family and friends around during Christmastime, or when all the kids are outside and you can finally get some peace and quiet. We all have our thoughts on what makes Christmas the best.
The angels had something to share with the shepherds that made their Christmas the best. They told them that Jesus, the long-awaited Savior, was being born in Bethlehem. This may not seem like huge news, but back during those times, the Jews were waiting for the Savior for a long time. This was news that would make it a good Christmas.
However, as Jesus grew, the Jews changed what he came here to save us from. They were looking for someone to come and save them from the Romans who had been oppressing them for many years. How often do we put stock into things that really don’t matter at Christmas? The Jews were hoping that Jesus would save them from the Romans. Maybe your Christmas gets ruined when family can’t visit because of storms or previous obligations. You might not get everything you wanted as gifts, even though you had been hinting to your parents or spouse about exactly what you wanted. We often like to change what makes Christmas the best news of all.
Thankfully God always has the big picture in mind. The Romans were a plague on the Jews, but they didn’t see the biggest problem that was affecting humankind. God sent his one and only Son to take away the sin that is plaguing mankind. When Jesus was born, it was the answer to God’s promise to save his people that he made in the Garden of Eden. He knew what would make Christmas the best ever.
Not only did God get us the present of forgiveness of sins, but He also gives us the gift of eternal life in heaven. Heaven, where there is no more pain or sadness, is now ours through faith in Jesus and what he has done for us. You may know someone this Christmas who is sick or suffering, but what a wonderful message that we can share with them about the best Christmas present we could ever ask for.
There are lots of different things that may cause you to have a bad Christmas. With God’s perspective, we know what makes a truly good Christmas. It is knowing that our Savior came into this world to live a perfect life, and die on the cross to take away our sins. Jesus is what makes Christmas the best each and every year. What an awesome gift to share this Christmas season just like the angels. We have glad tidings for all humankind. We are saved, forgiven, and going to heaven. With that on our minds, all of our Christmases can be the best for the rest of our days.
God’s blessings to you and your family this Christmas Season!
Ryan Klatt
Principal, Salem Lutheran School