American Diabetes Association School Walk for Diabetes

The following information was sent home with your child today.

American Diabetes Association  School Walk for Diabetes

Salem Lutheran School students will participate in the School walk for Diabetes.
What does this mean?

  1. Thea Kogler will come and speak to the students about diabetes on October 15th at 1pm.  (Her daughter Hayden has diabetes.)
  2. The attached envelope may be used by the students to collect money for the American Diabetes Association from family and friends.  (This is optional.) If you don’t want to send cash or a check you can donate online on the American Diabetes Association school walk for diabetes website.  Please choose Salem Lutheran for your Team Name.

  1. The students should hand in their donation envelopes to the school office by November 2nd.

  1. All Salem Lutheran School students will participate in some sort of physical activity with their classroom teacher on November 2nd.  

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