First Quarter K-8 Parent-Teacher Conferences—Nov 7-9

We're scheduling conferences to be held on Wednesday, November 7 from 4-7 PM,  Thursday, November 8 from 4-7 PM, and Friday, November 9 from 8-9 AM.

Parent-teacher conferences offer an opportunity for parents/caregivers and teachers to speak with each other about issues affecting their children, like student achievement, work habits, and progress. Parents/caregivers can help make this a productive time by bringing questions, concerns, or suggestions to the meeting. We recommend that both parents/caregivers attend the conference if possible.

Our first quarter ends on Friday, October 26. Report cards for all students will be sent home on Wednesday, October 31.

Each of these conferences will be 15 minutes in length. Should more time be needed, please make other arrangements with the teacher. Conferences for students in kindergarten through fourth grade will be conducted in your child's homeroom. Click the SIGN UP! button below to schedule your K-4 conference.

Sign Up!

Middle School Conference Notes: We strongly urge all our middle school students to attend these conferences. This will enable parents/caregivers, teachers, and child a chance to discuss issues from each of our unique perspectives. Middle School conferences will take place in our school lunchroom from 4 to 7 PM on Nov. 7 & 8, and again on Nov 9 only from 8 to 9 AM. No specific appointments are necessary for these conferences.

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