Grades 1-7 Singing on Sunday

Correction! Grades 1-7 are singing on Sunday for the 8th-grade graduation service. Kindergarten is not expected to attend.

Students in Grades 1-7 are scheduled to sing Salem’s theme song for this year, “Fix Your Eyes on Jesus”, at the beginning of the 9:30 service on Sunday, June 3.  This is the graduation service for our eighth-grade students. Students will not need to practice the song before the service, they already know the song. They should just come to church, sit in the pews, and then come up front when it is time to sing the song. They will sing the song right at the beginning of the service after the pastor gives his welcome.  When they finish the song, students will go back and sit with their family or they may leave if the family is not staying for the service.

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