Salem/Christ Girls Game Summary

On Friday, the Salem Saints girl’s basketball team battled Christ-North St. Paul. We came out strong with a quick 4 points by Avery. I was so proud of the team for getting some quick baskets since that has been one of our struggles this year. The scoring started to get away from us in Christ’s favor-they seemed to make every shot, and were a decently sized team. Our girl’s played well against their 2-3 zone defense, by driving to the basket and taking outside jump shots. Almost everyone on the team was able to get a shot off, and you could really see the improvement and confidence the girls have gained throughout the season. Hannah made 2 awesome 3 point shots and Emilie and Meade were able to get a lot of great jump shots off near the free throw line. We ended the game with 13 points to Christ North St. Paul’s  50 points.

I am so incredibly proud of these girls for their confidence, energy, and enthusiasm. These girls are up against some tough competition, and it never seems to phase them. We have a young team that is learning a lot this year, and I am learning a lot from them too. With Christmas break approaching, we look forward to a fun practice this week. I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and have time to relax and reflect on the real reason for the season.

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