Resolutions, Registrations & Open House

More Important Notes from Mr. Zolldan:


One way humans try to reset their lives is through New Year’s Resolutions. A quick search on the internet showed that popular resolutions include:

Improve physical well-being (eat healthy foods, exercise, lose weight)
Improve mental well-being (think positively, laugh more, enjoy life)
Improve finances (watch spending, save more)
Improve career (perform better at job, get a better job)
Improve education (get better grades, study more, learn something new)
Improve self (be more organized, reduce stress, be nicer, less time on video games)
Take a trip
Get along better with people/improve social skills
Spend quality time with family members

These all deal with mind and body of a person. Our school mission statement is “Equipping the soul, mind, and body for a lifetime in Christ.” Missing from this list is the part that deals with our soul.  Our souls need to be fed and nourished just like our body and mind need care. One thing we can do to help nourish our soul is having a daily devotion and a daily Bible reading. We have printed materials like “Meditations” and “Portals of Prayer” in our church entrance for you to use for daily devotions.  The WELS website ( has on-line daily devotions and a daily Bible reading that will get you through the entire Bible in 3 years. Clicking on the “Serving You” button at the top of the screen will get you to other devotions like Women’s Devotions, Military Devotions, Early Childhood Ministry Educator’s Devotions, Teen Devotions, and Worship Helps. You can also look into Time of Grace Ministries for their Facebook, email and video series devotions. Make a resolution to spend at least 10-20 minutes each day feeding your soul with devotions and Bible reading. It is time well spent and you will feel a difference in your life.

School Registrations for 2018

January is also a time to reset our enrollment for the 2018-2019 school year. Current school families and Salem families may register for attending Salem Lutheran School starting on January 3 (watch for re-enrollment forms which will be sent home in January for current K-7th grade students). New families may start to register for attending Salem Lutheran School on January 23, the day of our school Open House. The Board of Education has set the registration fees for the 2018-2019 school year at $150 for preschool and $250 for grades K-8 with a discounted price for preschool of $75 and for grades K-8 of $150 if registration is paid by March 2. The discounted price is set to encourage families to register early so that we can budget more accurately for next school year’s needs.

Open House/Visit Salem Day

Salem Lutheran School will have an Open House/Visit Salem Day on Tuesday, January 23. Times of the Open House are 9:30-11:00 a.m. and  6:00-7:30 p.m. Families that are interested in enrolling at Salem next year are encouraged to attend the Open House and receive information and a tour of the building. The morning times will let visitors see what the school is like with students in the classrooms. Staff members will be available in the morning and evening sessions to meet with prospective families and answer questions about Salem Lutheran School. Please encourage any families you know that may be interested in Salem to attend the Open House. For more information they may call the school office at 651-439-7831, visit our website at, or email us at

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