Reminders for the Week

Here are a number of reminders for you for the week:

Kamera Kids meet this coming Friday, March 18 from 7:45 am - 8:30 am. Kids should bring your 2-3 winter themed vertical pictures only.

Preorders for yearbooks will be accepted until March 18th. They are $15 each and cash or check is accepted in the school office. If you would like your TADS account billed, just send an email to with your order. Checks will not be cashed until sometime in April/May after our order is placed. Yearbooks should arrive in May.

There are many baskets that could use more items for the Adult Night Out planned for March 25! Please review the classroom basket list if you have any questions.Many great prizes and lots of fun is planned for this adult only event that runs from 6-9pm. Tickets will be sold at the door for $10 each. Come for an hour or come for the night. It is sure to be a fun event with tacos being served, raffles, wine pull, bingo, bean bags and more. Please come!

We will also need many volunteers for this event. Please sign up for a one hour time slot using the link below:

Kindergarten and 1st grade will be putting on their spring play, Pajama Party, in the school gym on Thursday, March 24th at 6 pm. This date is earlier than usual since Mrs. Klatt may be on maternity leave soon. All are welcome to attend!

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