Fine Arts Festival is next Saturday, April 2. In the following table is a list of assigned time slots for vocal and band students. **Jubilate is not performing this year as a large group since the piece didn't work for our choir and we lost numerous practice dates due to classroom quarantine. Art projects are due to Amy Stilwagon by Wednesday, March 30 so she can get them to SCLA. Any questions or concerns please email Mrs. Stilwagon at
School Board Announcement: Christmas Break
Hello Salem Family, School Board wanted me to send out an announcement as we approach Christmas Break. School Board is strongly encouraging families to follow State Guidelines when it comes to traveling over Christmas break. We want everyone to enjoy their breaks, but we also want everyone to be able to return safely to school and not have to go to remote learning immediately after returning due to positive cases and exposures. Please do your part by following the guidelines in your state. If this means quarantining when you get back, teachers will be more than happy to work with you on getting assignments and other homework. God's blessings on your week and have a Merry Christmas! MN Guidelines-