Reminders for the Week

Here are some reminders and notes for the rest of the week:

1. Picture Retake Day is this Thursday! If your child was not here for our Picture Day, please make sure that they know they should have a picture taken. If you would like a new picture taken on that day, please send the picture package you received back with your child so it can be given to the photographer. Please also let the teacher know you would like your child to be sent for retakes.

If you have not ordered yet and would like to do so, please use this link to order:

2. Grades K-3 will be going on a field trip this Friday and will eat lunch when they return. Because of this schedule change, these grades will be offered a sack lunch when they return. K-3 classes will have the option of ham and cheese or a chicken and cheese sandwich. Both of these will come with a veggie, fruit, and chips. Please let your child know they will have this change to their lunch options on Friday if they plan to order from Salem Food Service. Teachers will be taking their orders by Thursday.

3. Don't forget Trunk or Treat is this Saturday. We could still use more help with this event and donations of candy (non-peanut) or non-candy items as well. Donations can be dropped off in the school office. Sign up to help using the link below:

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