Christmas Service Plans

Hello Salem Families,

The following is a Christmas service update. Instead of the K-8 students having one service on December 15th for sharing the story of our Savior’s birth, we will be having the Christmas story spread out over our three midweek Advent services. Please set these times aside on your calendar and note the time of 4pm for them all:

Grades 5-8: Wednesday, December 1st @ 4pm in the church sanctuary

Grades K-1: Wednesday, December 8th @ 4pm in the church sanctuary

Grades 2-4: Wednesday, December 15th @ 4pm in the church sanctuary

These services will be live-streamed and posted on Youtube for family members who can’t make it or would like to rewatch it. Meals will be served following each service and all are welcome to stay for food & fellowship! The Preschool Christmas Service will be held as originally scheduled on December 9th at 6:00 pm. We are asking that only immediate family attend this service. It will be Live-streamed and posted on Youtube as well.

God's blessings!

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