Salem Parent Teacher Organization Meeting March 11th

Hello Salem Families,

In preparation for the next SPTO meeting here are a few key items.

The meeting will be Thursday, March 11th at 6:30 pm. You can attend either in person in the lunchroom or online in a google meeting.

Briefly, the agenda for the meeting will be a review of SPTO's role, elections, discussion of parent lead volunteers, and an upcoming Easter egg hunt. The full agenda can be found using this link: March 11th Agenda

If you are interested in becoming an officer you can review the duties in the By-Laws.

As the parent lead volunteer is a new initiative, we will need to review and adopt guidelines to be added to the by-laws. Please feel free to review a copy of the parent lead description using the link.

Finally, if you are interested in helping out with the Easter egg hunt but not SPTO, feel free to come later to the meeting (approximately 7:30 pm) or please contact Julie Ross

We hope to see many of you there!

SPTO Executive Board

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