Salem Parent Teacher Organization Meeting Recap

 Hello Fellow Salem Parents and Caregivers,

All parents are automatically members of SPTO :) We really want to make sure everyone feels included so here is a recap of key points from SPTO's special meeting on Thursday (2/4) for those who could not attend.

1 - Those present agreed it is a good idea to move forward with initiating a "Salem Parent Classroom Lead/Co-lead". Sherah Spark and Sarah Wegwerth will work on drafting a document that outlines the mission statement, purpose, goal, and logistics of what will likely become a committee. This document will be presented at the next official SPTO meeting (see below). Those interested in being involved with drafting the document should email Sherah at ASAP.

2 - Due to the open forum being scheduled during the normal SPTO meeting time, the next official SPTO meeting will be March 11th at 6:30pm - we will be holding elections for new officers, committee positions, and the Parent Classroom Lead/Co-lead initiative.

3 - SPTO will start to post announcements in the Salem Parents Connection Facebook group. If you have not discovered the group yet you are welcome to join it using this link:

Blessings on your weekend!

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