Parking Safety

Dear Salem Families,

We need your help! Please do NOT park in the drive through area in front of school for drop off or for pick up of your child. We need this area clear for families to stop for quick drop off or pick up. This is not a parking area.

Preschool families should park in the two available parking lots near the school entrance and walk their child in. K-8 families may stop to drop off children or pick up in this area for brief stops but if you are leaving the car for any reason, you MUST use the parking lots.

Please keep the area marked for bus drop off free from cars in the morning so buses can safely drop these students off as well. The area available for parent drop off in the morning is marked with the blue painted curb.

We also have some families turning right out of the parking lot along Panama St. to exit on to Panama. Please turn left and follow the flow of traffic and exit on 62nd St N. We have seen some close calls and need to keep everyone safe.

We really appreciate your help making this a safe area for both parents and children. We really can't do it without everyone's participation in following these safety rules.

Thank you!

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