Hello Salem Family, I forgot to mention pick-up and how that will go. Preschool parents should come in and get their children at 3:30 pm. Please take your temperature again as you enter. K-8 students will be brought outside by faculty at 3:40 pm and your child will be allowed to go to their car once they see it. Parents can wait in their car for their children and can wave to teachers and their kids to let them know they are here. Feel free to contact your child's teacher if you have any questions. Mr. Klatt
Showing posts from August, 2020
September Lunch Menu and Lunch Help Needed
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Diane Light
Please make sure your lunch account is funded prior to your child ordering for the week. To add money to your account, checks made out to Salem Food Service or cash (in an envelope with your family name, please) should be dropped off in the school office. TADS withdrawals are available for those that are on auto withdrawal and would like to use this to fund your lunch account. Please contact the school office for more information. August/September Lunch Menu ALSO! Lunch help is needed for the school year. Please consider helping in our lunchroom with food prep and other tasks needed for serving our students. A paid position is needed or volunteer help is always welcome. For more information please email Lynn Wall (lunch@salemlutheran.org). Thank you!
September School News
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Diane Light
Salem's 2020-2021 School Theme and Message from Mr. Klatt: Darkness. It causes problems in our day to day life. Darkness causes tiny problems like being scared to turn off the lights, go into a basement with no lights, or stubbing your toe because you can’t see where you are going. It can also cause major problems like accidents on the road because you can’t see where you are going. Many an invention has been created whose sole purpose is to eliminate darkness. Our theme for this school year focuses on the opposite of darkness. Salem’s theme is “Living in the Light” taken from John 8:12, “Jesus said, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.’” Darkness causes problems that are scary. I think many of us, even the most hardened soul, would admit that the situations that darkness can cause are scary. That is why knowing our Lord and Savior is such a comfort. It is through him that we always have light. No matt...
Reminders for First Day/Week of School
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Mr. Klatt
Hello Salem Family, A few reminders for the first day/week of school. When dropping off and picking up your children, the entrance to our parking lot is from Panama Ave. Please do not use this entrance as an exit, even from the small parking lot located directly after entering. Please continue to follow the curve to leave and exit onto 62nd St. This will keep everyone safe. There will be no bussing the first week of school. Bussing will begin on September 8th as long as the District Schools are staying with the hybrid model. Before and After care students can be dropped off and picked up by the cafeteria doors on the south side of the building. The main doors will be locked until 8:30 every morning and will also lock at 4pm in the afternoon. For all K-8 students, please send them with a water bottle to school. The water fountains will be closed as to mitigate the spread of the virus. Please also have your children bring their water bottles home to sanitize them daily. Please also ...
Important Info About TADS
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Mr. Klatt
Hello Salem Family, Please make sure that you know your credentials to log in to TADS our Student Information System. This is the place where you can check student grades and find your balance for your lunch account. If you are new to Salem, you will be receiving an email in the next couple of days to set up your credentials for TADS. If you are a returning parent and forgot your credentials, please contact Mr. Scharf at bscharf@salemlutheran.org. God's blessings on your day.
Reminders for Meet the Teacher Night
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Mr. Klatt
Hello Salem Family, Just some reminders for our Meet the Teacher sessions tomorrow and Tuesday. A reminder to sign up if you haven’t yet at this link: https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/20f0a44a5a82ba64-salems Everyone who is not a preschooler will need to be wearing a mask. Please enter through the school doors on Panama as we will have the temperature tablet up and running for you to see how it works. This is also the time to bring in your school supplies to help make the first day of school go smoother in the morning. We are so excited to have you back on campus! God’s blessings until we see you tomorrow or Tuesday!
SPTO Raffle Event
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Mr. Klatt
Linked to this message is a flier from the SPTO about a fundraising event they will be hosting during the Visit the Teacher events on Monday, August 24th and Tuesday, August 25th. Please read the flier for more details on the items you can win for your family. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1v6ZKtc2hYtalwDxiST5Jldm4Xv4keGxD/view?usp=sharing
Please Complete Tuition Agreement
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Diane Light
We are again using TADS to help manage payments to Salem Lutheran School. If you have not already done so, please complete the TADS Tuition Agreement that you should have received by email as soon as possible . Contact the school office if you need the agreement sent to you again or you are requesting changes to your enrollment or payment plan. TADS Customer Service can help with any changes to banking or contract changes. Contact them at 612-548-3320 if you have any questions on your agreement. Please note lunch payments may also be scheduled using your TADS agreement. If you would like to have a withdrawal from the same account set up for your tuition to fund your lunch account for the school year, please fill out the form below and return it to the school office. TADS Lunch Deposit Request Before and After School Care will be billed monthly and will also be billed through your TADS account. Please contact the school office if you have any questions (school.office@salemlut...
2020-2021 Preschool Handbook
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Diane Light
Preschool Families, Here is the Preschool Handbook for the 2020-2021 school year. Your preschool teacher will be handing you a hard copy of this at your meeting next week or will have available to pick up in your child's classroom. Please note the 2020-2021 COVID Plan will supersede items in this handbook if there are contradictions.
2020-2021 K-8 Parent and Student Handbook
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Diane Light
Here is the K-8 Student Handbook for the 20-21 School Year. 2020-2021 K-8 Parent and Student Handbook Please sign and return the Handbook Agreement for Parents on Meet and Greet Days Monday and Tuesday next week or the first week of school. Return no later than September 11 to the school office. Please note the 2020-2021 COVID Plan will supersede items in this handbook if there are contradictions. Thank you!
Gift Card Shower for Miss K!
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Mr. Klatt
Just a reminder that the gift card shower for Heidi our new 2nd grade teacher ends this week. Feel free to send any gifts to the church or school office or drop them off. We would like to give her the gifts at her installation this coming Sunday. Thanks everyone. Excited to see you all at Visit the Teacher next week!
School Orientation Videos
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Mr. Klatt
Linked below are the orientation videos for the school as a whole and for preschool. Please take some time these next few days, before Meet the Teacher Night, to listen to the videos about the upcoming school year. There is information about the changes that will be taking place to keep the students safe and other updates for the school year. Whole School Orientation: https://youtu.be/LU4YEjNJhJs Preschool Orientation: https://youtu.be/gF9SNbzKvck
Kindergarten Aide Needed
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Mr. Klatt
Due to the increase of Kindergarten enrollment, we are looking for an aide for the Kindergarten classroom. There are currently 19 young students to help with. We are going to be paying $12 an hour for 4 hours a day. Please view the position description and fill out the application form if you are interested. All applications need to be in by Monday, August 24th as the school year begins on August 31st. They are both linked below. If you have any other questions, please reach out to Mr. Klatt via email ( rklatt@salemlutheran.org ). Position Description: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RRMsCopCcU4h16SxR3NY7MN5_XP37ys8CLfL9dNH5YM/edit?usp=sharing Application Form: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1p8pnG3QCFQYvB6pnnxBKcDnCiKDeFeuD/view?usp=sharing
Reminder - School Information Packet
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Diane Light
Here is the 2020-2021 Information Packet for the new school year. Completed forms can be dropped off at any time next week or brought with you at the Meet and Greet Dates on August 24 and August 25. Please contact the school office if you have any questions. school.office@salemlutheran.org 651-439-7831 Don't forget to Sign up for the Meet & Greet for next Monday or Tuesday!
Salem Parent Teacher Organization Meeting August 20th @ 6:30 PM
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Diane Light
Don't forget to sign up!
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Diane Light
Monday, August 24 - 3pm-7pm OR Tuesday, August 25 - 8am-12pm We will have two days set aside for parents to meet one-on-one with their child’s teacher (20-minute time slots). Students can bring their school supplies and see the classroom at the same time that parents and students will meet with the teacher. Please select a date and time from the sign-up link below: **Meet & Greet Sign Up** Preschool Note: Preschool students are listed below each preschool teacher's contact information. Please contact your child’s teacher if you can not meet at this time or have any other questions regarding the start of the school year. Mrs. Jane Grobe 4yr Preschool jgrobe@salemlutheran.org T. Aukstakalnis, G. Bjorkman, V. Carter, R. Clarke, K. Duncan, L. Grosso, C. Hanson, A. Johnson, C. Lutz, A. Nothwehr, C. Obermueller, B. Olson, G. Peterson, J. Schmitz Tessmer, R. Schultz, J. Seidler, I. Spark, E. Swim, Ingrid Waller, E. Wilson Mrs. ...
Busing for the 2020-2021 School Year
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Diane Light
Dear Salem Families, Busing will not begin for our students until Stillwater Public Schools begin their school year on September 8. Please plan to bring your students the week of 8/31 since there will not be busing available to us that week. Also... District 834 busing will only be available to us Mondays through Thursdays this coming school year. The only Friday we will have busing available is on September 11. The rest of the school year there will be no busing on Friday and our families will have to drop off and pick up their students themselves. Please disregard the bus days listed on the 20-21 academic calendar that you have received. We will need to update this as we have more information from the 834 School District. Thank you! If you have not already signed up for busing for your child, please do so here: Busing Request Form
Welcome to our New Teacher
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Mr. Klatt

Hello Salem Family, Due to the recent increase in enrollment in our school, we received an assignment from MLC for our 2 nd grade classroom. Her name is Heidi Kostrzewa. She is from Wauwatosa, WI and has 8 siblings. She attended Wisconsin Lutheran High School and went on to MLC as she was interested in joining the Friends of China program. Due to COVID Heidi was unable to continue with Friends of China and so was available for assignment to Salem. We are excited to welcome Heidi as an addition to our staff and know that she will bless us with her many talents. We would like the families of Salem Lutheran to help welcome her by donating gift cards that she could use as she moves into the Stillwater area. Gift cards can be for grocery stores, restaurants, gas stations, or any other places you feel would be beneficial. Her installation will...
Welcome Back Meet & Greet August 24 and 25
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Diane Light
Monday, August 24 - 3pm-7pm OR Tuesday, August 25 - 8am-12pm We will have two days set aside for parents to meet one-on-one with their child’s teacher (20-minute time slots). Students can bring their school supplies and see the classroom at the same time that parents and students will meet with the teacher. Please select a date and time from the sign-up link below: **Meet & Greet Sign Up** Preschool Note: Preschool students are listed below each preschool teacher's contact information. Please contact your child’s teacher if you can not meet at this time or have any other questions regarding the start of the school year. Mrs. Jane Grobe 4yr Preschool jgrobe@salemlutheran.org T. Aukstakalnis, G. Bjorkman, V. Carter, R. Clarke, K. Duncan, L. Grosso, C. Hanson, A. Johnson, C. Lutz, A. Nothwehr, C. Obermueller, B. Olson, G. Peterson, J. Schmitz Tessmer, R. Schultz, J. Seidler, I. Spark, E. Swim, Ingrid Waller, E. Wilson Mrs. Am...
Important! 20-21 School Information Packet
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Diane Light
Hello Salem Families! Here is the 2020-2021 Information Packet for the new school year. Completed forms can be dropped off at any time during the summer months or brought with you at the Meet and Greet Dates on August 24 and August 25. Please contact the school office if you have any questions. school.office@salemlutheran.org 651-439-7831
Salem's Overview of 2020-2021 School Year (Salem's COVID Plan included)
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Mr. Klatt
Hello Salem Families, Here is a link to a letter that has some important updates for the upcoming school year, including Salem's COVID Plan. Please read the document below, and the links in it as well. https://docs.google.com/document/d/11zfM7B1KUmG_TxNVO5bdDGufQOPGY7jf-Xv9Ur9pHWo/edit?usp=sharing More information about the start of the school year will be coming out from Mrs. Light later this week. God's blessings on your week!