Information Regarding Coronavirus

Hello School Family,

I pray that everyone is enjoying spring break. As you are well aware, the COVID-19 (coronavirus) is dominating the headlines as it continues to spread. While the virus is a serious one, and precautions need to be in place, it is also important to consider the facts and ensure they come from reliable sources. News outlets, social media, and other communications are sharing all kinds of information and not all of it is accurate. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and local health departments are the most reliable and accurate sources of information. We encourage you to look to these sources for your information.

Salem is taking this virus seriously. I want to assure you that our custodial personnel are cleaning the building while we are out on Spring Break. They also clean the building each night and follow specific protocol to keep the school as clean as possible. We will continue to follow the  cleaning recommendations of the CDC and local health agencies.

The safety of our students, staff, and families is one of our top priorities. We will continue to monitor the situation and respond in an appropriate manner. We will continue to place our trust and confidence in our all-powerful God who has control over all things including the coronavirus. We ask for His continued protection over our Salem family and all affected by this outbreak.

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