Don't forget that this Saturday is our special Path of Peace Christmas. We'll discover God's gifts of Hope from Isaiah, Love described by Mary, Peace from the Shepherds, and the Joy Joseph and the Wise Men found at the birth of our Savior Jesus. 

Our worship team will be sharing these songs with us: 
Emmanuel (Hallowed Manger Ground)--
Light of the World-- 
Hark the Herald Angels Sing-- 
Sleep, Jesus, Sleep-- 
Silent Night--

Following the service we'll have a special treat--Christmas cookies, coffee, and hot cocoa. Yum!

If you haven't invited a friend yet, please do. We'd love to see the sanctuary packed this Saturday! Don't forget about our special Christmas Eve Service of Lessons and Carols at 5 & 11 pm, and our Christmas Day service with communion at 10 am. Hope to see you soon!

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