What's Going on at St. Croix Lutheran Academy?

Save the Date - Night of Jazz

Come for a relaxed evening with the award-winning Oakdale Avenue Jazz Band Friday, May 17 starting at 8:00 p.m. in the St. Croix Lutheran Academy commons. Free admission and complimentary refreshments!

SCL Summer Camps! 

Academic and sports camps start at $75/wk for gr. 5-9 (some camps as early as 1st grade). Register at StCroixLutheran.org/Camps

Job Openings PT Weekday Mornings and Evening Custodial

SCL has two openings for a part-time custodial/maintenance mornings M-F and evenings M-F. Visit www.StCroixLutheran.org/jobs for more info. Stop by the front office and pick up an application or email GWill@StCroixLutheran.org.

SCL Golf Classic

Monday, June 10 at Troy Burne Golf Course in Hudson, Wisconsin. Enjoy a day of golf and lots of laughs. Includes 18 holes, games, prizes, dinner, and more! Register at StCroixLutheran.org/GolfClassic. All proceeds benefit SCL students.

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