St Croix Academy News

Croixalier Showcase Concert Wednesday, May 22, 7:00 p.m., SCL Chapel. Enjoy favorites pieces from the year and a couple of special pieces you can only hear at this concert!

Spring Concert The final concert of the year is Friday, May 31, 7:00 p.m., SCL gym. Staff members Ellen Pieper (anniversary), Tom Hansen (retirement), Carl Lemke (retirement), Wendy Gatzke (farewell), Josh Gorske (farewell), and Lauren Farquhar (farewell) will be recognized. A cake and punch reception following the concert.

SCL Golf Classic
Monday, June 10 at Troy Burne Golf Course in Hudson, Wisconsin. Enjoy a day of golf and lots of laughs. Includes 18 holes, games, prizes, dinner, and more! Register at All proceeds benefit SCL students.

SCL Summer Camps!
Academic and sports camps start June 10 at $75/wk for gr. 5-9 (some camps as early as 1st grade). Register at

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