March School News

School News

School Registrations for 2019 - Register Now!
The Board of Education has set the registration fees for the 2019-2020 school year at $150 for preschool and $250 for grades K-8 with a discounted price for preschool of $75 and for grades K-8 of $150 if registration is paid by March 1. The discounted price is set to encourage families to register early so that we can budget more accurately for the next school year’s needs. Please see the TADS enrollment link you should have been emailed and register now to receive a discounted rate.

Math Bowl and Spelling Bee
Three of our students, (Griffin, Eli, and Reese) will be participating in the Math bowl at St. Croix on March 2nd. They will get a chance to show off their math skills in a quiz bowl format against other schools.

Salem’s 5th-8th graders will also get the opportunity to show off their spelling skills on March 2nd as well. They will be competing against the other area WELS schools. We wish them the best as they use their skills to glorify God.

The 8th graders will have another opportunity to show their faith during the 10:30 am worship service on March 3rd. The students will be answering questions to show their study of the catechism and the Bible. All are welcome to come and support the 8th-grade students as they share their faith with the congregation. It is also a good opportunity for older students to see what will be expected of them in 8th grade.

Family Academic Night - Science
Our science-themed academic night will be on March 7th from 6-7:30 pm. School families are invited to come and see some of the science professions that they can go into when they are older. It is also a wonderful opportunity to see all of the gifts our Lord has blessed our parents of Salem with.

Lent Begins
Starting on March 6th, our Lent services on Wednesdays will start. The services will be at 4pm and 7pm. What a wonderful opportunity to hear the story of how our Savior went to the cross, suffered and died for our sins. All are welcome to attend. There is a meal served between the services as well.

Spring Break
Salem will have its Spring Break from March 18 - 22.

Spring Parent Night
The SPTO is hosting a parent night of fun for adults on March 29 from 6:30-9 pm. There will be all kinds of events that evening, raffles, games, wine pull, and much more. There will be lots of great food from local restaurants and much more. All proceeds from the evening will go towards our Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund. Volunteers will be selling tickets for the event before and after church on Sundays. Tickets will be $5 if purchased before the event and $7 at the door.

Parent Introduction to Bible Class
This class is intended for parents of students who are interested in learning more about what their children are learning at Salem. Pastor Brohn will lead parents through what the Bible teaches us about ourselves and our God. If you are interested and missed the class on January 28th, feel free to talk with any of the teachers or Pastor Brohn about your interest of learning about what the Bible teaches.

Second Semester Chapel Offering
The children bring money for an offering every Wednesday in our school chapel service. During the second semester, our mission project supports “Grace--Hmong outreach in Vietnam.” We will join with many other schools to gather our offerings. The goal of this special offering is to receive gifts totaling $2 million by June 30, 2019, to fund the land purchase, building construction, and the first two years of operational costs for a pastor training facility in Hanoi, Vietnam.

Messy Mondays
Our last Messy Monday was held on February 11th from 6pm to 7pm at Salem. Future Messy Mondays will be March 11, April 8 and May 13. All families with children ages 2-5 are welcome to attend. Families will be asked to give a $5 per child donation and a different activity or craft will be planned for each event. If you know of someone who is looking for a preschool or kindergarten for next year, please invite them. This is a wonderful opportunity to have them see our school and meet our awesome teachers. There are postcards for you to hand out in the church lobby or school office, if you would rather invite people that way.

Moving Help
Our preschool teacher, Amy Gosch, will be purchasing a house and moving Friday, March 22nd (last weekend of spring break). She is requesting help if possible with moving Saturday, March 23 or Sunday, March 24, whatever works best.  Please contact the church or school office if you can help out!

Ways to Help Our School
We are still collecting Box-tops for Education and aluminum cans. Please remember to check the date on the Boxtops for Education as they do expire. These can be placed in the bin at the school door entrance. Aluminum cans can be bagged up and placed in the wooden bin that is next to the garage on our property.  We are no longer collecting inkjet cartridges!

SCRIP Orders
We are enhancing our current SCRIP program to allow you to order your SCRIP on your own if you choose.  We will still do regular orders on the 2nd & 4th Monday mornings, but, now you have the option to place your own order online.  The other change will be a flat 5% fee for shipping on all orders.  This will cover the shipping and administrative fees involved in the orders.  For example, if you earn $5.00 from your order, Salem will keep $.25 to cover any costs. We are also offering to apply your profits to your child's lunch account as well as tuition.  We are also adding an option to direct your profits to church.  We are excited about the changes and hope you are as well.  Contact any SPTO member or the church office for more information.

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