SPTO Spring Event

The Salem Parent Teacher Organization (SPTO) has traditionally held a spring event, usually a carnival. The school calendar shows the event taking place on Saturday, March 10, this school year.  After meetings with the principal and some interested parents, it has been decided that the event will be canceled for this year.

The number of families involved with SPTO has declined, meaning fewer people are left to try and do the work necessary for a big event like a carnival.  Other events for this date were discussed, but the realization that we don’t have a strong and active organization meant that any event would be difficult to plan.  Reorganizing the SPTO was recognized as a necessary step to any successful future plans. 

An organizational meeting for the SPTO has been scheduled for Thursday, March 8, at 9:00 a.m. in the conference room.  We are looking to have at least 10 Salem families at this meeting so we can formally reorganize, elect officers, and generate ideas for events for the next school year.  Hopefully, we will also be able to plan an alternate activity for this spring.  One suggestion was an event on a Friday after school that would end with a pizza supper.

Please plan on attending this meeting if you are available on March 8.  We need your involvement. Everything is easier when we have more helpers doing the work.

Thank you.

Mr. Zolldan

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