A Message from Salem's Principal

Dear Salem Lutheran School Families,

The theme for the school year is “Fix Your Eyes on Jesus” from Hebrews 12:1-2.  This is the strength of our Christian education here at Salem and our other WELS schools – we focus on Jesus and the salvation he has earned for us through his perfect life, innocent suffering and death, and his glorious resurrection.  This focus goes beyond a daily devotion and prayers – it is infused in our subjects and in our discussions about current topics.  This Christian education is something that can’t always be found elsewhere and is the reason we exist. How blessed we are to have a school like this.

There are some changes in our school staff this year that I would like share with you.  We are pleased to welcome new staff members Bill Scharf, Calla Schoch, Jill Kaiser, Mary Bjurstrom, Pastor Schram, and Roger Zolldan.

I’m Roger Zolldan, your new principal. My experience is in the public schools – 36 years teaching music in Somerset, Wisconsin and substituting for the past 7 years in Somerset, New Richmond, Stillwater, and here at Salem. I will also be teaching 7th & 8th grade music. I am looking forward to this new position and the new school year at Salem.

Bill Scharf will be teaching 7th and 8th grade religion, 5th & 6th grade math, pre-algebra, 5th-8th grade history, 5th-8th grade technology, 5th & 6th grade catechism, and 3rd & 4th grade phy ed.  He will also be our staff technology person and help us with the Google chrome books and software.  Bill is a very experienced teacher and comes to us from St. John in St. Paul.  Unfortunately, St. John had to close their school at the end of last school year but that made Bill available to fill in Andrew Seefeldt’s vacancy in the upper grades.

Calla Schoch (pronounced “shook”) will be teaching 5th-8th grade science, algebra, and 6th-8th grade Spanish.  Calla is a new graduate from MLC and is eager to be part of the Salem team.   Her husband has a position at St. Croix Lutheran Academy.  Calla is covering the teaching duties that were previously covered by Mr. Zimmermann.

Jill Kaiser will be teaching the mixed 3 and 4 year old preschool class in the mornings.  In the afternoon she will be assisting in the 3 year old preschool room.  Jill is also a very experienced teacher, especially in the lower grades, and comes to us from Emmaus Lutheran School in Phoenix Arizona.  Her husband accepted a call to St. Croix Lutheran Academy which made her available when we opened our third preschool classroom.

Mary Bjurstrom is a member of Salem and will be working as an aide in the 3 year old preschool room.  She has many years of experience in working with young children and coordinating early childhood programs.  She is very eager to be working with our young preschool students.

Pastor Schram is a new graduate of our Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary. He will be teaching our 7th and 8th grade catechism classes along with Pastor Brohn.

Our returning staff also has some changes to duties.  We have jumped from one preschool classroom to three classrooms this year.  Along with Jill Kaiser, Jane Grobe will be teaching in the 4 year old preschool room and Linda Noack has moved from first grade to the 3 year old preschool classroom.  Deb Hansen will be teaching in the 1st and 2nd grade classroom this year and Nancy Hasselquist will be teaching in the 3rd and 4th grade classroom.  Kay Brohn will be teaching the 5th-8th classes with Bill Scharf and Calla Schoch.

We eagerly await the start of the school year so that we can share the Gospel with our students and families.

In Jesus’ Name,

Roger Zolldan

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