Return to School Plan

 Hello Salem Family,

The School Board met and approved a back to school plan for the upcoming 2021-2022 School Year. 

The major highlights of the plan are:

1. Masks are optional and up to each family to decide if they would like their child to wear one to school.

2. A student will have to stay home from school if they themself test positive for COVID or someone in their household tests positive for COVID.

3. The classes will not quarantine and go to remote learning with a positive case, but will be kept separate from the other classrooms during recess, lunch, and other group activities. 

Please read the details in the plan that is linked here:

This plan is subject to change as mandates change in our State, but we are hoping we can have a relatively normal school year. 

Thank you all for your patience and prayers throughout the past school year and for continuing them through the coming school year. We are excited to have you all back at school, and to see your smiling faces. 

God's richest blessings on the rest of your summer.

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