Preschool News
Welcome to Salem! We are so excited for the 2018-2019 school year to begin. Here is some information on the preschool teachers here at Salem:
Amy Gosch is a Milwaukee Wisconsin native with a Bachelors of Science degree in Education from Martin Luther College in 1999. Amy has joined our Salem team in 2018. She is in charge of the 3-year-old classroom. Her philosophy of teaching is that children learn through play and is very excited for the Hands-On learning projects and creativity that the children will be able to display while learning about their amazing Savior who has died, rose, and has a place for them in Heaven. When not at school, Amy is busy raising her three children along with enjoying crafts, cooking, and baking.
Jill Kaiser is a graduate of Dr. Martin Luther College and has been teaching in our synod’s grade schools for 25 years. She will be teaching in our mixed-age preschool room. She has been blessed to teach in schools located in Green Lake, WI, Downers Grove, IL, Salt Lake City, UT and Phoenix, AZ. She has had experience teaching grades preschool through 8th grade during these years. She and her husband, Mark, have two daughters, Alyssa and Makayla, and they live in Cottage Grove. She is excited to be at Salem teaching preschool!
Some important dates are coming up. On Wednesday, August 15, Visit the Teachers Night, we will have 2 group sessions, one at 4:00 pm and the other at 6:00 pm. Please plan to attend one of those sessions. You are welcome to bring your child that night but the evening might be easier for you if you can come alone. We will meet in the church sanctuary for both. You will have time to meet with your individual classroom teacher after the group session. Questions are welcome during the individual time as well as group time.
Welcome Night is on Monday, August 20 from 5:30 - 7:00 pm. This night is great to get familiar with the classroom, drop off school supplies and run through processes for check in and check out. Make sure to bring your child with you to this event so they can become familiar with their classroom and they can meet the other children that are there.
The first day of school is Monday, August 27th. Please note that the first 2 weeks of school are 4 day weeks due to Labor Day weekend. The rest of the school calendar can be viewed at any time on the Parent Portal on our school website. Please make sure you are subscribed to receive our school news. This is also on the Parent Portal.
School Supply List for 2018-2019
Academic Calendar for 2018-2019
Also check out our official Salem school calendar. Sometimes dates or times of events change, so please visit this calendar often.
Looking forward to seeing you and your child in August!
Jane Grobe
Preschool Director