July Summer News

Hi Everyone! The summer is starting to get hot so here are a few reminders to keep it cool. :)
- Summer Tuesday help is needed. We are looking for families to help with Summer Tuesdays again this year. We need help in the following areas:
- Set up/take down involves loading a car with a tent, tables, and posters. Setting those items up at the destination and after the event picking them up. You do not have to stay for the event if you are just helping with set-up and take-down.
- Meet and Greeter is talking with people as they walk by the tent. We will have a craft for the children to do inside the tent, so you can invite families to try the craft and talk to the parents as the child is doing the craft. We will have pamphlets for church and school you can hand out and use to talk.
- Craft Helper is helping the kids complete the craft that is being done in the tent. You work with the kids and talk with them about their lives. You can talk about Salem and how it is a great school, but mostly just helping them with the craft.
- Save the Date: Salem’s next annual blood drive is Monday, August 12, 2019 @1:00 – 6:00 pm at Salem in the school gym. Salem has had 17 blood drives with 727 units donated, an average of 43 units per drive. Registration online is open now at redcrossblood.org or call 1-800-RED-CROSS. Please consider being a donor! You will impact 3 people’s lives.
A faculty member has already signed up for each week. The event starts June 9th and runs to August 20th. Again it is only the Tuesdays of that week. If you would like to help contact either the church or school office. 651-439-7831
- Are you one of those early shoppers who can't wait to get all your school supplies early? Here is the 2019-2020 School Supply List. Watch for the 2019-2020 Information Packet for the new school year which will have even more information and will be available on the Salem News Blog in July.
- Mark Your Calendar Now for these Upcoming August Events:
August 19 - School Welcome Night Presentations @ 5:30 pm & 6:30 pm
August 26 - First Day of the 2019-2020 school year
Don't forget to feed your faith this summer! Salem worship services are held at 5:00 pm on Saturdays with Path of Peace on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month. Summer Sunday Worship is at 8:00 am & 9:30 am. Please come worship with us!