June Salem School News

Registration for Preschool 2022-2023 School Year Preschool classes are almost full. Classes are filled on a first come, first served basis. You have the choice of which days you would like your child to come. There’s a minimum attendance of 3 half days up to 5 full days. The cost is $30 for half day, $40 for a full day. Tours will be scheduled individually for those interested. If you have any questions you can call 651-439-7831 and talk to Jane Grobe. If you know of any 2-4 year olds looking for a preschool, please refer them to our website salemlutheran.org for registration information and for requesting a tour. Registration for K-8 2022-2023 School Year We still have room in many classrooms. Please see our website to sign up for a tour with Mr. Klatt. He is happy to show you the school and answer any questions you may have. Registration Packet for the New School Year We are currently working on all the information our families will need to start the new school year. This wil...